I just saw the Tim Burton exhibit at the MoMA. Terrific show, and I will be seeing it again soon. Next time, I will try to sketch the sculptures. One could learn a lot from this show.
I'm looking forward to Disney's new hand-drawn feature, The Princess and The Frog. I already like the way this character is drawn. And he's animated by Eric Goldberg, whose still one of the best in the business.
A bunch of us went out for my birthday. As usual, I had to break out my sketchbook to get some ideas out. Notice my "fantastic" Mr. Fox. The guy in the middle was drawn by Adam Ansorge.
This is a blog for artwork. I am going to attempt to add a drawing, illustration, doodle, or any art related piece as often as possible. We'll see where it takes me. The idea is to see if both my drawing and my idea process improve over time. Thank you for taking the time to read this
I am an animator and writer. I graduated Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY, and am looking to leave a mark somewhere significant, even if its just a dent. I am obsessed with animation, music, movies, and abstract art. That's about all you need to know.