Yesterday, outside the Apple Store in Soho, I met one of my musical heroes, Chris Squire of British Prog-rockers Yes. Chris has been the band's bass player since its formation in 1968, and his style of bass guitar struck me immediately when I first heard Yes at age 11. Chris's wife, Scotland ("Scotty"), was there and she offered me free tickets to see Yes in Westbury the next day. I accepted them, and went to Yes for the 8th time in my life! Afterword, I got a VIP pass, and drew three of the members that night, each one signing them afterword.
Chris Squire (bass, vocals)
Chris recognized me, but he couldn't stay too long because he had to get back to his family. I'm really proud of how this drawing turned out.
Oliver Wakeman (keyboards)
Oliver is the son of Yes's former keyboard player, Rick Wakeman. Tonight, he proved himself to be a competent musician, even in his father's shoes.
Benoit David (lead vocals)
Mr. David is currently filling in for Yes's primary lead singer, Jon Anderson. With or without a voice like Anderson's, this guy really can sing!